About Mandakyns

Amanda Clarke-Peterson

Amanda Clarke-Peterson, the self-taught visionary behind Mandakyns, stands as a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and ingenuity. With 15 years of dedication to the arts under her belt, Amanda’s journey began not in traditional educational institutions but in the self-driven pursuit of knowledge and skill. Transitioning from a distinguished career with the U.S. Postal Service, Amanda channeled her entrepreneurial spirit to establish Mandakyns in 2013 and later, Makyn.me, a thriving community for artists and crafters.

Her multi-faceted artistic prowess stretches across various mediums — from watercolor, acrylic, and gouache to digital art, UV resin, and polymer clay. The vastness of her skills is further exemplified by her ventures into coding, web development, and even fabric and apparel design. Amanda’s accomplishments are manifold: from owning and operating businesses to publishing nine professional business-related books on Amazon, featuring works in esteemed art galleries, and making her mark at numerous pop-up events.

2013 saw her being recognized as the Woman of the Year by the National Association of Professional Women, a testament to her determination and talent.

Currently, she is on a mission to redefine watercolor education. Her forthcoming series of interactive books promises to be revolutionary, designed meticulously to elevate the art of watercolor and to position Amanda as a beacon in the field.

Yet, beyond her accolades and entrepreneurial ventures, Amanda’s heart lies in the Mandakyns website. It is a platform that encapsulates her love for art and watercolor, aiming to disseminate her unique teachings to art enthusiasts worldwide. The site is not just a hub of knowledge but a reflection of her dreams of turning her passion into a reliable source of income, all while paving the way for aspiring artists.

In her personal time, Amanda finds solace in sipping coffee, indulging in chocolates, enjoying the company of Yorkies, and painting en plein air. Residing in South Carolina, this single mother’s commitment to her craft is palpable in every brush stroke and pixel. Her love for watercolor isn’t just a hobby; it’s a deep-rooted part of who she is.

Reasons She Recommends Becoming a Self-Taught Artist

Being self-taught is commendable for several reasons:

  1. Initiative and Determination: Choosing to be self-taught often indicates a high level of initiative and determination. Without a structured curriculum or external pressures, individuals have to be self-motivated and persistent to learn, practice, and excel.
  2. Unique Perspective: Being outside the confines of a formal education system can often lead to a fresh, unorthodox perspective. Self-taught individuals aren’t necessarily influenced by the prevailing norms or trends in a specific educational setting, which can lead to innovative thinking and originality.
  3. Resourcefulness: Without a traditional framework, self-taught learners often develop resourcefulness, finding unconventional ways to acquire knowledge, whether it be through online resources, books, mentors, or firsthand experience.
  4. Adaptability: The journey of self-teaching involves a lot of trial and error, leading to the development of adaptability and resilience. These individuals learn to navigate challenges, setbacks, and change with a positive attitude.
  5. Continuous Learning: Often, the very nature of being self-taught means the individual develops a lifelong love for learning. Their thirst for knowledge doesn’t end with a degree or certificate; it’s a continuous journey.
  6. Democratization of Knowledge: Celebrating self-taught individuals underscores the belief that education and knowledge shouldn’t be gatekept or limited to formal institutions. Everyone, regardless of their socio-economic or educational background, should have the opportunity to learn and grow in their chosen field.
  7. Proof of Skill Over Paper Qualifications: In many fields, tangible skills and the quality of work can be more important than where or how someone learned them. A self-taught individual’s work stands as testament to their capabilities, showing that they have honed their craft through dedication and passion.

While formal education has its merits, including providing a structured environment, networking opportunities, and recognized qualifications, it’s essential to recognize and commend the achievements of those who pave their own path. The blend of formally trained and self-taught individuals enriches any field, bringing diverse perspectives and methods to the table.

Against Gatekeeping

Amanda Clarke-Peterson’s journey as a self-taught artist embodies the essence of inclusivity, determination, and the boundless potential of passion-driven pursuits. To her, gatekeeping represents the antithesis of what she stands for. Gatekeeping restricts access and knowledge to a select few, thereby stifling creativity, individual growth, and communal evolution. Having navigated the world of art without the conventional stamps of formal education, Amanda knows the value of open doors and shared wisdom. She believes in the democratization of knowledge and opportunities, ensuring that anyone, regardless of background or formal training, has the chance to pursue their dreams, learn, and contribute to the broader artistic community. For Amanda, gatekeeping not only limits individual potential but also impoverishes the richness and diversity of artistic expression as a whole.

Recognizing that every artist’s journey is unique, she champions a blend of traditional and self-driven exploration. Drawing from her own experience as a self-taught artist and entrepreneur, Amanda has curated an expansive list of resources for aspiring artists. Whether you’re seeking foundational techniques or advanced insights, she offers both free and paid resources to cater to varied needs. From online tutorials and classic art books to hands-on workshops and personal mentorships, Amanda emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and exploration in the world of art. With her guidance, artists are empowered to chart their own course to success, embracing the rich tapestry of resources available in today’s digital age.

Join Amanda on her journey as she continues to shape the world of watercolor, one painting at a time!

An Exploration of Watercolor

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